We offer cutting-edge technologies that allow renowned artists to transform their ideas into virtual worlds

Ai Weiwei

Alicja Kwade

Anish Kapoor

Antony Gormley

Bjarne Melgaard

Cao Fei

Carsten Höller

Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Darren Bader

David Shrigley

Felipe Pantone

Hilma af Klint

Ho Tzu Nyen

Jeff Koons

Julie Curtiss


Koo Jeong A

Lee Bul

Lu Yang

Luisa Clement

Marco Brambilla

Marina Abramović

Mark Leckey

Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg

Nina Chanel Abney

Olafur Eliasson

Precious Okoyomon

Tomás Saraceno

Present Futures

The Looking Glass

Unreal City
Our solutions include from AI to multiplayer features, real-time meshing and geospatial technologies