Marco Brambilla

The artist’s first virtual reality artwork is set between the birth and death of the universe and all that pop culture created during its existence. Whilst in The Four Temperaments AR, Cate Blanchett performs four sets of distinct character types divided according to a personality classification first defined by the Greek philosopher Galen.

Produced in collaboration with Acute Art

  • Marco Brambilla is a video installation artist based in London. Brambilla’s work has been internationally exhibited and is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum (New York); San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; ARCO Foundation (Madrid); and the Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington D.C). Notable shows include New Museum, New York; Santa Monica Museum of Art (Retrospective); Seoul Biennial, Korea; Broad Art Museum; and Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul; Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland. He has worked with Creative Time and Art Production Fund in New York to present public art installations, including his Nude Descending Staircase No.3 (2019) presented at Oculus WTC by Art Production Fund during Frieze New York.

    Brambilla is a recipient of the Tiffany Comfort Foundation and Tiffany Colbert Foundation awards. His work has been featured at the Venice Film Festival and Sundance Film Festivals, as well as Fondation Beyeler in Basel, Switzerland.

  • The Four Temperaments AR, 2020, Augmented Reality

    Creation (Megaplex) VR, 2019, Virtual Reality

  • 2020
    Augmented Reality

    In The Four Temperaments AR, Cate Blanchett performs four sets of distinct character types divided according to a personality classification first defined by the Greek philosopher, Galen. He named the four “Temperaments” Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic.

    In the work, the characters performed by Blanchett each appear within a single floating crystal ball. The character fixes her gaze and addresses the viewer with the words “I Love you”. As further characters are introduced, the emotional charge of the statement shifts across the spectrum of the four temperamental types.

    The Temperaments confronts with familiar emotions shifting between intimacy and distance, gentleness and brutality; the overall effect assigns a crescendo of disquiet on the viewer voyeur who inadvertently becomes the subject in the cross-fire of emotions, the repetition of which make them at once engaging and generic.

    With the help of augmented reality, Marco Brambilla’s exploration of the four temperaments can now reach viewers anywhere. The new form of viewer participation that this medium makes possible turns the spectators into active co-producers. Viewed through the Acute Art app, the works interact seamlessly with the world that surrounds them and reach audiences far beyond the gallery space where we expect contemporary art.

  • 2019
    Virtual Reality

    Based on his 2012 work Creation (Megaplex), video installation artist Marco Brambilla’s first virtual reality artwork is set between the birth and death of the universe and all that pop culture created during its existence. Modelled on DNA strands, this universal vortex travels in the form of a comic pullback, with the viewer ultimately witnessing the world implode before the spiral loops back to the moment of origin. 

    Based in London, Brambilla is primarily known for his elaborate re-contextualizations of found imagery, often employing new technologies in his work, having pioneered the use of 3D technology in video art.

  • 2022
    - AR.Trail, National Gallery Victoria (Melbourne), Australia (Group exhibition)
    - Kaleidoscope Eyes, Leeum Museum of Art (Seoul), South Korea (Group exhibition)
    - Kaleidoscope Eyes, Ho-Am Museum of Art (Yongin), South Korea (Group exhibition)

    - Apparition, PHI Center, Montreal (Group exhibition)
    - Visions, National Gallery Singapore, Singapore (Group exhibition)

    - Michael Fuchs Gallery, Berlin
    - Unreal City x Dazed, Southbank, London (Group exhibition)



Luisa Clement


Marina Abramović