Alicja Kwade on Instagram Live

We are thrilled to announce our next Acute Live with Alicja Kwade and Daniel Birnbaum. Join us for ‘A Conversation’ this Wednesday 1 July 12pm (EST/New York) / 5pm (BST/London). Click on the stories icon on the Acute Art Instagram profile to join.

Alicja Kwade is known for her enigmatic sculptures and installations that explore concepts of space, time, science, and philosophy. She creates immersive experiences about discovery, begging viewers to question their perception of reality. Read more about her first AR work, produced by Acute Art here.

For more updates about our upcoming Instagram Live programme click to follow us and join our mailing list.


Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s The London Mastaba returns to the Serpentine in AR


Georges Adéagbo on Acute Art Live